Lactulose 500ml
Lactulose is a very widely used laxative, which helps relieve constipation in a gentle, reliable way. Adults and adolescents over 14 years.
Lactulose is a very widely used laxative, which helps relieve constipation in a gentle, reliable way.
- Take your doses at the same time each day.
- The dose may be given once daily, for example during breakfast, or divided up to three doses a day.
- Swallow the medicine quickly. Do not keep it in your mouth.
- You can take Lactulose Fresenius oral solution undiluted or diluted in some liquid.
- Use the measuring cup provided.
- During the treatment with laxatives you should drink sufficient amounts of fluids (approx. 2 l/day, equal to 6 - 8 glasses).
Adults and adolescents aged 14 years and over, for Constipation
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